Saturday, March 03, 2012

Instant Flowers

If you have a Polaroid 600 typr camera or any SX70 cameras (folding or box plastic) then did you know film is still available? Not from Polaroid, they stopped making it in 2009. Within a year a group of Polaroid enthusiasts and some former Polaroid employees had bought what was left of the Polaroid Machinery and re-engineered Instant Film from scratch. Much of the material that Polaroid had used in their original formulations was not available or too expensive.
What has followed, over the last 2 years has been a remarkable colaboration beteen the Impossible Project and their Customer. Films have been developed, each new issue brings improvements in emulsion, colours, tones and spread - Customers have in effect been beta testers for Impossible.
Visit the Impossible Project at

Keep it Analogue

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