I've recently been going back to some old negatives to reprint a portfolio, at the same time I've been printing family photos for a little scrap book project I'm working on. The former takes time, the latter is quick and easy!
This photo was taken over ten years ago when Canada House stood alone and domiated the landscape, I think there are three other buildings that are nearly as tall now.
This scan was made from a toned resin coated print. I've just started playing around with toning again after a break of a few years and it's really interesting and almost never ending the vaiety of tones that can be had. For this image I made up some ferri bleach from raw chemicals and bleached the highlights only then toned to light purple using a combined Thiocarbamide and Sodium Hydroxide mix (also from raw chemicals) - a final tone in selenium deepens the shadows somewhat. All of these effects work much better on traditional, fibre paper and less so on the resin coated used for this blog photo.
To come up to date I've just returned from a family holiday in Menorca, shot about 5 rolls of black and white film but not developed any yet.
All for now
Monday, July 02, 2007
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