Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Avenue of the Americas

Loving this expired Polaroid Blue film

Leep it Analogue

Monday, August 27, 2012

Liberty on 5th

Lady Liberty, selling postcards on 5th Avenue

Impossible Project PX70 Cool Film
Polaroid SX70 Folding SLR

Keep it Analogue

Sunday, August 26, 2012

3rd Avenue and 42nd Street

We'd been on the "Southern Loop" of the bus tour, still stifling hot in NYC and we just wanted to get off and walk in the shade. UN building was the next stop so off we hopped and walked down 42nd street towards Grand Central Station. At the junction with 3rd Avenue I snapped a picture of the receeding street and the yellow cab.
Impossible PX680 Test Film
Polaroid SX70 Folding SLR

Keep It Analogue

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Brownstone and Water Towers

A morning walk from the Broadway Plaza, round the block via 6th Avenue (The Avenue of the Americas) and back up West 26th Street. The early morning sun was just creating dappled lighting on these classic New York warehouses with the wooded water containers on the rooftops. (low water pressure in Manhatten).
Polaroid SX70 Folder
PX680 Opacification Test Film V4b

Keep It Analogue

Friday, August 24, 2012


The FlatIron Building set against a bland sky really helps here I feel.
Looks almost like the bow of a ship.

Polaroid SX70 SLR
Impossible Test Film PX680V4 (Opacificaltion Layer Test)

Keep It Analogue

Thursday, August 23, 2012

FlatIron, New York

Our Hotel was just a few blocks away from the iconic FlatIron building. A much, much photographed building, not, however by me!
An early morning stroll before the heat of the day built up with the Polaroid SX70 SLR

Keep It Analogue

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Village Market, New York

It was toward the end of the same hot day, we retreated into this intereting little street market filled with quirky hand made gifts.
I found myself constantly looking up at the NYC skyline and there she was, in her shades, waiting to be photographed.

Polaroid SX70 Folder
Impossible Project PX680 Test Film

Keep It Analogue

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Immigration Hall, Ellis Island

We had queued up for ages waiting in the midday sun for a ferry to take us to Ellis and Liberty Islands. Into Ellis Island Imigration Hall, away from the searing heat, I was immediately drawn to the USA flag and the light streaming in from the high windows.
Out came the SX70 SLR loaded with PX680 test film

Keep It Analogue

Monday, August 20, 2012

Don't Walk - East Village NYC

Been a hot day in New York, temperatures over 30 degrees and the humidity was high. Like all true English people we went out in the midday sun.
By the late afternoon the sun was a bit cooler and it was time to bring out the SX70 as we walked through the East Village.
Went in some trendy shops, sussed out where the Impossible Project shop and exhibition space was and finally ended up in Chinatown where we had the most wonderful Vietnamese meal.

Polaroid SX70 SLR
Impossible PX680 Test Film

Keep it analogue

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Empire State from Madison Square Park

Returned from first ever trip to the USA with loads of instant images from the SX70 Folding SLR, 250 and 103 Land Cameras.
Our hote, the Broadway Plaza was a few blocks up from the flat iron building and about 15 blocks from Times Square. The Hotel is to be recommended in all regards.
Here I had wandered off by myself early in the morning, there were some street cleaners and joggers to keep my company as I made my first exposure using the new Impossible Test Film. This latest incarnation of the "Polaroid-Type" emulsion requires no shielding from light once it spits out of the camera. Finally, the Impossible team are getting close to the original Polaroid performance.
The colour is not optimised but the muted, almost sepia like tones I think work well.

Shot from Madison Square Park looking North up 5th Avenue.

Keep It Analogue