Sunday, September 13, 2009

In Praise of the Old Uns

It was about 15 years ago that I paid £5 for a Zeiss Icon Nettar Folding camera pretty much like this one. Most of the time since then it has sat on my bookshelf acting as a book end. I recently loaded a roll of Fomapan 200 - an imported Eastern Bloc 120 size film and took the camera out to play. Focusing is guess work and exposure is by experience or with the use of a lightmeter.

Once exposed I took the film into the darkroom and developed it in Kodak D76 diluted 1+1 and crossed my fingers. This image I thought had a timeless quality to it, the less that perfect lens on this camera has led to some vignetting at the edges and this just adds to the effect. What do you think?