And so I return to a recurring theme, that of British Seaside towns. Not in winter this time but actually around the August Bank Holiday 2008 I think. In any case we had braved the elements, left our West Runton campsite and headed for the coast. Once again armed with my 35rc loaded with Delta 400 I watched as the wind whipped the ice cream flags and sun seekers huddled for shelterfrom the rain. Then, out came the sun and an opportunity to bag a shot.
In the darkroom, negative in the Meopta Magnifax enlarger, Ilford Multigrade paper on the easel and 10 minutes later with some magical hand waving under the enlarger light source a picture emerges from the developer. How can anyone get satisfaction from a digital camera and a computer file.
Long live the negative is what I say....unconvinced then vist