Been using my new Polaroid 420 Land Camera over the last few weeks. The camera uses Fuji 100c colour and 3000b black and white, peel apart film. Focusing is via a rangefinder and you can attach a modern electronic flash via the camera's pc socket.
The photograph of the blue trainers was taken using a close up lens held in front of the camera's lens and guessing the distance, didn't guess correctly as the image is out of focus.....I think that adds to the effect though especially now that it is mounted onto watercolour paper.
1. Trim the photo's edges
2. Place in a glass tray and pour over nearly boiling water and watch the emulsion "lift" off
3. Transfer to cold water
4. mix pva glue and water 50:50 and brush on to the water colour paper and brush the lifted emulsion onto the new surface.
Not black and white but still traditional.....