Towards the end of our 4 day beak in Venice last Summer we were taking a rest in one of the many shady squares (piazzas?) to rest our Venice-weary feet.
The Venice film festival was being advertised and some of the square was being set aside for some outdoor showings.
A small band of musicians were nearby taking a cigarette break and one had placed his violin against the wall.
So, what to do in this situation? - it looked like a good monochrome image and I could visualise the way I wanted it to look in the final print.
In the end I used sign language and asked the players if I could photograph the violin, another violin was quickly produced and propped up against the wall.
I had my Voigtlander R3a with me and made a few exposures.
Inevitably they asked for some money soI gave them 2 Euros.
I have a framed 12X16 fibre print on my wall and it looks great.